My Poetry

Rights and Copyright by Brogna Marisa

I feel your pain


Because in the wind I feel your pain
that comes to me like a stone rolled by the storm
Lost and scared like a child
sit in the dark without speaking
waiting for someone to reach out
waiting to be saved
could I not hear this voice coming from your heart?
fly my love
fly with your mind and your heart to take
what belongs to you
fly with the wings of love
to collect who
has never left you
who never left your hands
like deep waters they mark time
words can form eternal foundations
of promises and truth
of two hearts that belong to each other from the beginning
of every era



My lonely moon shines
In a dark night
It is distinguished from all other stars
It is silent
Light up the night and wait for the day
Give hope to those blindly looking for
What still does not know
Lonely moon sing your song
On a cold and foggy night
What are you waiting for ?
What keeps you from revealing your mysteries
Sleepless the night looks
My pillow is cold
My hands are alone
And they tend towards the top
Waiting for a ray of moon to touch them

Meet me in infinity

when you will feel alone

and your heart will be lost

when you look around you
and everything will be empty and meaningless

I'll wait for you
in that place where for a moment the night becomes dawn

I'll wait for you
in that place where sky and sea meet

I'll wait for you
where the rainbow begins

I will make them our home
in your arms will be my life
in your arms will be your home

I, you, us
Consecrated from the dawn of the universe
and forever together with the inhabitants of the infinite itself

The Pain Of Love


Sleepless nights
ruthless moon, torment and hope

frozen lakes in which the soul it sinks


Tears of diamonds, precious memory of thoughts

dark sun, eternal eclipse

distant horizons, to the soul
your face inside me


Your words to me are more precious than a sweet poison

I want to drink them until to death


Close to you, eating your love
die in your breath and live in your arms



Soul Paths


Walking in the dark paths of the soul
in the darkness of loneliness
with back to the wall and clenched fists
looking down towards hell
torment and punishment

Where are you my angel ?

My only star, my luminary
my guide, my flower
my life without death
paradise without hell
together mean to live
stay away mean dying


Lone Wolf


I have lone wolf inside me
who singing to the moon
please lend me a ray


I can still see his face
bad moon, cursed now
why you tell no
why refuse to a woman in love
her last wish



What Is Love ?


Love is not a strong wind
otherwise it would be destructive


love is not an earthquake
otherwise it would pain


love is a sweet sound
deep and subdued

entering quietly into
your heart


before which you want to hide
because you know you're naked



Impossible Love


Light and darkness, fire and water
enjoy the sunrise of a cruel fate

Fall in love and lose yourself to find yourself
a sad Dusk Till Dawn of hope

One day is never like as another

I lose my heart in a gloomy day

I am in a colorful horizon
the courage, the life that throbs in the veins
and the strength to say again that

I love you.



Simply you



Beyond the matter, the vague Spirit
fugitive for unknown lands
looking for you


An empty horizon
insignificant rises every day
because dug by your absence


It is like dying if you are not with me
and miss you
up to hurt the heart


Pierced the soul by lightning
called love
forever marks the mark
of the time and of the essence
of my whole being


Deciding the fate
of my wild life
my heart is in your hands
it always has been
and so it will be for all eternity


Living and Dying


Live waiting for a sign of your presence.


Dying to understand your silence.


Hoping to live in your own words


Die waiting to see your eyes


Live and Die carrying a dream in the heart


Life or Die


You give me both  



I Wait for You



I'll wait like the swallows are waiting

spring, with the joy of feeling my

In the shadow of the sunset I think of you

your fingers are rose petals

you tangles with my

and love suddenly warms my soul

I want to try your breath and I want to get close to you

when I abandon myself in your arms

and full of sweetness you caress your face

to lose myself in you

I want to take your heart and tighten it to my

as dawn already lights up the sky




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